Thursday, March 26, 2009

long over do rants.. Brackets and HOF

I have a few...

Brackets: more than one? NO! You can not count any of your "wins" as wins if you have more than one bracket. Because, basically, you are going to "win" (in one of your brackets) either way, no matter who you chose. Where is the the skill, talent, or luck involved in that? Nowhere. I hate this. If you have more than one bracket.. you do NOT GET BRAGGING RIGHTS! PERIOD!

Curt Shilling in the hall of fame: oh boy. Okay, unless you are going to dock everyone who took something, then you can not dock only some. And almost every MLB players since the early 80's (at least) has taken at lease SOME sort of enhancement drugs. The fact is.. you DON'T KNOW. And unless you can prove that NONE of the current HOFers EVER took ANYTHING to enhance their performance at any of the time they ever played, then you gotta let it go! yes, it sucks. But so does life. Tell me anyone you know in their job that hasn't seen someone get something or some recognition that they didn't deserve for whatever reason. They cheated, they lied, they took someone else's idea, they threw someone under the bus to get ahead... or anything dishonest. Why does everyone think that the profession of sports is different than any other profession. Especially high paying ones. Let me tell you for a fact, it is not. Why are the expectations different? I am sure is sucks bad for the honest players out there who didn't take the easy way out, who did it the right way, and on their own... but so it does for all the other hard working Americans who do the same thing in their job and get screwed out of something because they did it that way. It is life. It is not fair. And just because it is professional sports doesn't make it any different. It's not fair, but its part of life and you cant change it. You learn from it, get the support and recognition from your family, friends, and deep withing and be proud of what you've done, whether you got a HOF ticket, or not, or an award, or an bonus, or anything else. And unless you are going to tell me that every HOFer got it the right way, and never took anything to enhance there performance... they did it ALL on their own natural amazing super human body... than leave Shilling, and Roger, and all the other the hell alone.

1 comment:

  1. from Lisa dad: Why doesn't this guy get a JOB and buy the friggin baseballs? If you figure he has to pay for public transportation, or else gas for his car and parking fees, plus a ticket to get into the game, he's probably spending $40-$60 just to get into the stands. He probably buys an overpriced hot dog and drink for $15. Then he spends probably 3 hours at the game plus at least 1/2 hour to and from totalling 4 hours. At minimum wage, that is probably about $25 for his time. So the grand total is close to $100 per ball.

    I don't know how much balls sell for, but I'd be happy to purchase some at Dick's sporting goods and SHIP them to him in the comfort of his home for the unbeatable price of $50 each. This way, he can relax at home and watch the game, and not fight the crowds and risk life and limb to get a ball. Plus a lot less stress and frustration.

    If you can find this guy, let him know about my offer.



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