online dating profile tips for dudes So I joined this free online dating site and it seems that there are a million people on there. I am getting about 20-30 emails a day and I try to respond to all of them. There might not be anything that appeals to me in your profile or your pictures, but if you took the time to say hi and write something half way decent, it would be down right rude to delete without saying hi and thank you. Okay, so with that being said, I have become a connoisseur of guys profiles. The dos and the don'ts if you will. So here is my humble girl opinion (which by now, we all know is fact). As I said, I pretty much will respond to anyone who writes me. However here are a few things that will NOT get a response…
1. if you have no shirt on in a picture of yourself! Confident men really don't need to do that.
2. If you have a picture of yourself with no head (just shoulders down). And then tell me it is because you don't want "anyone to see you on a dating site because that is for losers". so than are you saying, I am a loser?? Suck it up. If you have confidence in yourself, who gives a crap what anyone things of you being online?
3. Men who have not a thing at all written in their profile- every section is blank. hell no! if you cant take the 10 minutes to dedicate to fill out the profile to meeting someone, then what makes me think you will give any energy to dating me?
4. men who write in the 'about me section': "dont know what to say here" or "I hate talking about myself". GET OVER IT! You put yourself on this site. Those lines are lame and generic, and although it may be true, no girl gives a crap. What they want is to read a little about you. so suck it up, and just freaking type something! and dont preface it with those lines, because it makes you look like a whinny baby who complains about things that are in his own control. Here are some do's and don't's:
DONT subject the email with "Yo Chick"
DON'T email one line, just saying..."wanna chat some time" or "wanna get together". I have 100 emails a day on this thing from 100 different scary tools. I am not going to say yes to all of them, and I am not going to say yes to one of them because they simply wrote nothing in their email but "wanna get together? and nothing else
DO: put a up picture of you smiling!!! If you have multiple pictures of head shots of just a straight faced, you DONT stand out. So what if you don't like your smile. To be honest, it just plain shows confidence. It shows personality! It communicates a very different person than a straight-faced picture, plus you look different than every other dude out there! I defiantly click to view profiles of men who have a picture of them smiling. It just looks happier, nicer, more fun, and like someone I'd rather hang out with. get it? got it? good! :)
DO end your email to a girl with a question; so she has a lead to write you back. -give her the topic to respond to right then and there…. and be specific.
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